Get Clearer Water with Leslie's Brand Chemicals

Leslie's Pool Chemicals
Set your pool up for success with the highest quality pool chemicals available. From chlorine tablets and pool shock, to water balancers and clarifiers , Leslie's has what you need to maintain a clear and healthy pool. A well-balanced swimming pool means all aspects of water chemistry are within the proper ranges. Using the right doses of the best water balancing chemicals is an important first step in maintaining your pool. A balanced pool uses chlorine sanitizer efficiently, which in turn will control algae and bacteria in the water. Using a 3-in-1 product like Leslie's Perfect Weekly further helps maintain a healthy pool by removing phosphates, adding enzymes, and reducing water lost to evaporation. If you're struggling with cloudy pool water, Leslie's Ultra Bright Advanced helps boost the efficiency of your pool filter to clear cloudy water fast. To round out your algae management strategy and prevent algae all season long, use a few ounces of Leslie's Algae Control each week.